Abby poster award

Our undergraduate researcher, Abby Smith, has won a first-place award for her poster presentation at the UURAF. Congratulations, Abby!

2024 SciFest

What a fun day at MSU Science Festival! Our microscopic worm demonstration, worm arts and crafts, and strawberry DNA extraction activities were a big hit. We used the worm to demonstrate the power of genetics and chemical treatments. Many thanks to our team of researchers for putting everything together!

First manuscript accepted

Aidan and Abby’s manuscript, “Detection, quantification, and isomer differentiation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using MALDI-TOF with trapped ion mobility”, was accepted by the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry! Congratulations!

Holiday party

With our holiday party, we wrapped 2023, a fantastic year of achievements and milestones. Thanks everyone for your hard work and dedication and looking forward to the new year to come!


Aidan and Einar gave oral and poster presentations about worm imaging at the 3rd Annual NIGMS P41 QE-Map Symposium/Workshop 2023 at MSU. Excellent job!